How to cancel UIF for R350 Grant 2022
If you are reading this it means you or someone you know may be encountering problems with your SRD R350 Grant application, in particular with UIF related feedback. Does your R350 grant application status indicates “UIF registered”? If that’s the case read more to learn how to cancel UIF for R350. That is, how to resolve the UIF Registered status on your grant application.
Eligibility for R350 grant application
Some of the main requirements for applicants to apply for the SRD R350 grant are that: One must not be receiving income of more than R550 per month.
Must not be receiving other government benefits such as NSFAS, social grant on behalf of themselves, and Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF).
Terms and conditions and consent
When you apply for the R350 grant, you also agree to the terms and conditions that Sassa states on the application page or sent during your application. Part of the conditions is that you give the South African Social Security Agency consent to use your personal information to verify those details against various databases. One of the databases that Sassa consult is the Unemployment Insurance Fund commonly referred to as UIF. UIF keeps records of workers registered to access the fund. It does not matter whether your job is full-time or part-time. As long as it satisfies the minimum requirements for you to be regarded as a worker, your employer may register you on the UIF database.
What does it mean to be on the UIF database?
Being on this database either means that you are currently working as you have been registered or you have been recently receiving the UIF benefits because of loss of a job. So, when Sassa consults the UIF database and your name is found there, your R350 application status will be marked as “UIF registered”.
So, how do you resolve the “UIF Registered” status on your SRD grant application? If your application status indicates that you have been registered for UIF but you are not currently receiving any UIF or not working and you feel that you qualify for the grant you have to appeal.
Update: Do not go to the Department of labor, just appeal
Dear clients: if your application for @OfficialSASSA‘s R350 grant is declined due to UIF Registration, please appeal the decision at instead of visiting a @deptoflabour center.
How to appeal for rejected R350 application?
Here are the steps to follow to appeal if your R350 grant application has been rejected but you feel that it was declined unfairly:
Step 1: Go to the SRD Grant website
Step 2: Scroll down to ‘Application for reconsideration’
Step 3: Click on the yellow bar
Step 4: Fill in the required information on the fields provided.
Details required
Some of the details required include:
- Identity Number or Department of Home Affairs Refugee permit number
- Name and Surname as captured in the Identity Document
- Gender and Disability
- Contact details such as your cell phone number
- Residential Address
Remember to use the cell phone number used when making the application. After completing the details and submitting them to Sassa you have to wait for Sassa to review your application. Visit the SRD website frequently to check your grant status.